Jeffrey T Fitzgerald, contemporary fine artist:
About Jeff
Jeff Fitzgerald’s creativity is propelled by all his senses; the distant call of the gulls to the chill of a November nor’easter. It all begins with a fresh sheet of paper or a newly stretched canvas. The play of color and brushstroke celebrate the brine in the air and steadfast granite coast. The paintings, driven by process and landscape, are as much about pigment and canvas as they are the sea and sky.
His work, now in its 5th decade, is described as romantic, vivid, and experimental. Jeff was raised in a family community in the Greater Boston area, but he grew in the beautiful coastal town of Ogunquit, Maine, where he had the fortune of spending his summers. He attended UMass Amherst, where he pursued his passion for painting, graphic design, and art history. It was here that he found not only his creative identity, but the love of his life, Donna.
The following years, Donna and Jeff grew together― living and working from Manhattan to Sanibel Island. Having found their way back to Maine, they married and started a family. Amidst a world of change, Jeff’s relationship with his artwork has never faltered. And his summer days are still spent in Perkins Cove, as they were many years before.

Studios in New York City and York, Maine allow Jeffrey to paint close to his imagination’s touchstones. And galleries from Kennebunkport to Provincetown to Boston and New York City offer spaces for both patron collectors, and first-time collectors, to see current works.
Yes, I’m there, a crystal morning. The air tingles with an enticing salty wonder, the slightest/sweetest sound of waves, encircling stones, fascinates, on this sandy beach. Underfoot, I stand on cold sand, angel hair filaments of seaweed also encircle, as the bold heady sun heats up this tiny Maine inlet. Now, the warmth of mid-day causes the horizon to lighten, the sky empties of clouds except for a cluster off, off as a remote kingdom. The remaining whisps of clouds I employ, dividing and animating the open sky on this canvas. The cotton surface is now filled with sterling blues and iridescent greens. I stack smokey lavenders while a brilliant ochre line defines the coast. Spots of russet, swaths of alizarin crimson and areas of robin eggs wait for bodacious light to dance on and through my painting in pinks and chartreuse. – Jeffrey T Fitzgerald

“When you paint, try to put down exactly what you see. Whatever else you have to offer will come out anyway.”
― Winslow Homer
Upcoming Shows and Gallery News
Van Ward Gallery at Cliff House, Summer Show - Flowers,
Ogunquit, ME | June 19th through mid September 2024
Barn Gallery, Summer Shows - 3 shows, 6 paintings in each show, Ogunquit, ME | late May through mid October 2024
Bowersock Gallery, Summer Exhibition - 373 Commercial St
Provincetown MA | Summer/Fall 2024
Nahcotta, ETA Show (Enormous Tiny Art)
Portsmouth NH | September 2024
Maine Art Collective, Summer Exhibition
Middle Street, Portland ME | June 19th through mid-September 2024
A full list of upcoming 2024 shows and recent exhibitions and news is available here.

From the Coast of Maine to New York City
York, Maine is my primary studio where I paint, spirited by the briny breeze, swirling tendrils of seaweeds and sharp angled rocks that cut the eager water as it meets the welcoming shore.
In my winter studio in New York City I am nourished by the drama and high voltage energy of the city and calmed by the tranquility of the woodlands and streams. Home is wherever I carry my paints and canvases and dreams.
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Connect with Jeff
111 York Street, York Maine, 03907