In The News
Making connections along LI Sound, in the City and here in Westchester County. A most exciting show collaboration is a planned show with Atelier Modern, set for spring 2024. More details to come soon!
An exciting new collaboration. CB2 (Crate&Barrel2) offers art-quality reproductions of four of my original paintings, framed and ready to hang. CB2 works in conjunction with General Public― an art curation company founded by Portia de Rossi, and showcases the exciting technology she developed with Fujifilm, of Art Synographs. A synograph is a high-resolution 3-d print, which captures every brushstroke, and color variation beautifully. Ready-to-hang artwork, most thoughtfully reconsidered.
Spring and summer burst forth with movement and new life as visitors flock to our coastal Maine respites. What a glorious time for introducing new art to patrons-both seasoned collectors and new friends.
The 2024 list of gallery representation in the exciting phase of discovery and collaboration. Though it has not yet been finalized, galleries that regularly exhibit my work are linked below.
More exciting projects and partnerships are coming, so check back here often for new show and exhibition plans.
From the Studio,

Shows & Exhibitions
I want the people looking at my work to feel a sense of all the possibilities of painting, and, through that, in life as a whole. When that happens, I feel I've accomplished something useful.
― Wolf Kahn

Van Ward Gallery at Cliff House, Summer Show - Flowers,
Ogunquit, ME | June 19th through mid September 2024
Barn Gallery, Summer Shows - 3 shows, 6 paintings in each show, Ogunquit, ME | late May through mid October 2024
Bowersock Gallery, Summer Exhibition - 373 Commercial St
Provincetown MA | Summer/Fall 2024
Nahcotta, ETA Show (Enormous Tiny Art)
Portsmouth NH | September 2024
Maine Art Collective, Summer Exhibition
Middle Street, Portland ME | June 19th through mid-September 2024
Atelier Modern, Curated Show,
Larchmont, NY | March/April 2024 (date TBD)
Bartow-Pell Mansion Museum, Contemporary Art Show,
Pelham Bay Park, NY | March 9-31, 2024
Van Ward Gallery, Summer Show - Flowers,
Ogunquit, ME | July 2024
Rochester Museum of Fine Art, Summer Show
Rochester NH | 2022
Northfield Mount Hermon Faculty Art Show, Northfield, MA – through October 2023
CMBG - Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens,
Boothbay, ME | 2023
The Cliff House & Van Ward Gallery, Summer Exhibition,
York, ME | 2022
Maine Art Hill, Summer Shows & Year ‘Round representation Kennebunkport, ME | 2010-2022
Art Sales & Commissions
Inquiries for specific paintings in Jeffrey T Fitzgerald’s portfolios can be directed to Jeff personally by email, or by calling Jeff directly at 207.337.6002. Any paintings featured by gallery representation are available through the galleries noted. Jeff exuberantly welcomes commission inquiries allowing him to collaborate with the art collector or designer to create their unique visions.
Online & In-Store
Jeff Fitzgerald’s paintings speak to those who love the northeastern coast and woods and sky. To continue to reach, to expand, to grow his audience, limited select works have been reproduced for the design community. Jeff also offers a few originals online to reach his budding international patron base. Works listed on these sites are also available directly from his York, Maine studio.
Boston Art Inc. Boston Design Center, Boston, MA
CB2 (Crate&Barrel) – Art | Home | Furnishings
Gallery Pricing
2023-2024 gallery pricing for Jeff Fitzgerald's Original Paintings - Acrylic on gallery-wrapped canvas or linen - are listed here.
Please note: Paintings may also be reserved directly from Jeff.
Please inquire here about his direct-from-artist pricing.
10 x 10
12 x 12
500 / 750
30 x 30
48 x 48
16 x 16
30 x 42
36 x 36
60 x 60
24 x 24
12 x 36
36 x 48
60 x 100
To explore commissioned paintings, concepts, sizing and installations, please contact Jeff here.

My paintings are titled after they are finished. I paint from remembered landscapes that I carry with me - and remembered feelings of them, which of course become transformed.
I could certainly never mirror nature. I would more like to paint what it leaves with me.
― Joan Mitchell
...the edge, blurred lines, painting the in between.
Jeffrey T Fitzgerald
In the great middle we relocated, I now live in Pelham Manor. From the fourth-floor windows, the studio’s view brims with curious expected and unexpected energy. The paintings are pieces of everyone I interacted with, and places now walked upon. The color and brushstrokes are fueled by a brilliant myriad of faces coupled with a landscaped partitioned off, naves and/or grottos alive, where nature thrives between culled or boxed manmade lots, right down to the water.
The theme of the work has always been the in between. I call this shoreline, my compositions are a door newly ajar, an edge to a neighbor’s treasured yard; canvases in conversation, living the eager. The eager of next to fly-I build.

Art school was a catapult, absolutely the opposite of high school. I attended a Roman Catholic high school that had zero art classes. My portfolio was watercolors of covered bridges and pen and inks of costumed vigilantes. Upon finishing the first semester, as always and never before, life was turned on end. With Tuesday/ Thursday classes full of "isms" and memorization, Art History became both training and refuge. I need structure and tasks, the projects were contentedly completed. With newly met Abstract Expressionism and the freedom to draw for the sake of drawing, I dove and reveled in the studio: my home.

Then we lived in the city, NYC, the city forever, we covered soho, the Metropolitan, the Arts Students League and Neo-Abstract Expressionisms. There are lots of big drawings from a small and expansive sublet studio. Donna and I devoured and just barely treaded everyday expenses. Alive, passion and love bring/ brought multiple jobs and tiny bank accounts.
Back to Maine, rocky inlets busied with mollusks, frothy tantalizing Baroque ringlets of kelp and sweeping behemoths of a bitter chiseled horizon line. The paintings are explorations and answers. Color is narrative, color is research and a box to save a story.
I have just started. The next series of paintings will make me relaxed and wise as always. As always, the tide is no longer slack, now sand bars and fields of lavender sand appear, roamed by greedy gulls, I needfully return.

"In The Centerfold"
Artscope Magazine Sept-Oct 2017
Typography Contest Winner
Details: Seaweed Wrestle, acrylic, graphite, and charcoal on canvas, 2017, 40 x 30
Artscope Magazine